I have found some new settings to show you how my art looks in beautiful rooms.
I have some new and exciting photos of my new art in rooms. What an exciting look. I hope everyone wants to hang one in there living room, office, bedroom,

or anywhere else! Have a look, a picture says 1000 words and I would rather paint. My newest painting is titled "Poetry of Space" and here are a few words to describe it. “Poetry of Space” In poetry words form sounds, images, and ideas. I think this also works in painting. My feelings are too complex or abstract to describe so I use the brush and paint to work with my thoughts. I debated whether to title this painting “Poetry of Space” or “Poetics of Space.” I chose Poetry. The definition of poetics is “The art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts.” Psychologists could debate this question for a long time but I thought the first really was want I wanted to say and do.